DonkeyKongArcadeGameFullVersionDonkey Kong FAQWalkthrough for Game Boy by Coffee. FAQWalkthrough by Coffee. Donkey-Kong-768x432.jpg' alt='Donkey Kong Arcade Game Full Version' title='Donkey Kong Arcade Game Full Version' />
You are currently playing Donkey Kong 64 game for free on Arcade Spot. It is a single game out of a variety of games that you can play on Arcade Spot. This is the old school arcade game Donkey Kong and it is the full version with all 4 levels just like the original from back in the days of yore. You play as Super. Classic Arcade Game NEW 60 Games in 1 Cabinet Keena McAfee August 17, 2017 at 1029 pm. Hi, do you deliver to Benton Harbor Michigan,49022. Donkey Kong is an arcade game that was Nintendos first big hit in North America. It marked the beginning of the Mario franchise, and introduced several of the. For Donkey Kong on the Game Boy, FAQWalkthrough by Coffee. A description of tropes appearing in Donkey Kong Country. Ida Full Version With Crack more. Introduced in 1994 for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, and ported to the Game Boy Color. More for Donkey Kong GB. D O N K E Y K O N G. FAQWalkthrough Version 1. June 1. 8, 2. 00. Michael Gonzalez Coffee lt mpgonzalezgmail. Introduction. 3 Walkthrough. Stage 0 Construction Site. Stage 1 Big City. Stage 2 Forest. Stage 3 Ship. Stage 4 Jungle. Stage 5 Desert. Stage 6 Airplane. Stage 7 Iceberg. Stage 8 Rocky Valley. Stage 9 Tower. 4 Best Times. Credits Info. Version 1. Changed email address Gmail. Version 1. 4. 2 0. Removed in game credits, to avoid controversy P. Changed introduction. Version 1. 4. 1 1. Updated website URL. Version 1. 4 1. 10. Some formatting changes. Added my opinion on the difficulty of each level. Added quick descriptions of the in game cinema sequences. Added in game credits. A few new best times. Version 1. 3 0. 30. Spellchecked everything, thats all. Version 1. 2 0. 12. Switched to a new alias, Coffee. Version 1. 1 1. 21. Fixed up some tiny errors in the walkthrough. Added an introduction. Revised the copyright disclaimer. Version 1. 0 1. 11. Completed the walkthrough, including the final boss. Version 0. 8. 8 1. Added FIFTEEN levels to the walkthrough INTRODUCTION. Donkey Kong. The Donkey Kong coin op game was one of Nintendos first big hits. It. only had 4 levels, but it was fun. Thirteen years later the original. Donkey Kong gameplay is back, this time on the Game Boy. This game not. only pays its homage to the original style of the arcade game, but. What is truly amazing is how far it can go. Its unfortunate that it seems. CONTROLS. Wow, Mario sure has a lot of new moves in this game Unlike the original. Donkey Kong, this game has exactly 1. Take your time in learning these. You will. learn the more advanced controls as you go on through the game. MARIOS MOVES. MOVEMENT As usual, movement is done with the control pad. In this. game, there is no distinction between walking and running. Mario can. only move at one speed just like in the original Donkey Kong. Anyway. theres no real need to run fast since this is more of a puzzle game. You can also crouch by pressing down. SIMPLE JUMP This is another basic move. Jumping is done by simply. A button. Mario doesnt jump very high with the simple. Mario jump. HANDSTAND This move will make Mario stand on his hands obviously. To. do a handstand, hold down on the control pad while jumping. You can. catch barrels with your feet while doing a handstand. NOTE You can. walk while doing a handstand. HANDSTAND JUMP Heres another type of jump. To do a handstand jump, do. A button. This jump is double. You can also do a very high handstand jump if you press A. You can even do a triple jump if you. A again right after doing a handstand jump. HANDLING OBJECTS There are many objects in this game than Mario can. To pick up an object, stand on top of it and press the B button. Mario will hold the object above his head. To throw this object, press. B button again. If Mario is hit by an enemy while holding an. TURNING SWITCHES You can turn a switch left or right to change some. To turn a switch, stand beside it, hold onto the. B button, and use the control switch to move it. The. switch can control elevators, conveyers, bridges, or walls. BACK FLIP A back flip makes you jump just as high as a handstand jump. Heres how to do a back flip While moving left or right, quickly press. A at the same time. It might take some time for you to do this move perfectly. CLIMB LADDERSVINESROPES There is a lot of stuff for Mario to climb. To climb a ladder, simply press up or down. For climbing. vines and ropes, jump up to it and you will automatically hold on. Then. you can press up or down to climb it. Press left or right to switch to. Youll climb up faster if you hold onto two vines. SPINNING ON A WIRE Sometimes in the game, youll see a wire it looks. Especially in the ship. Jump to the wire to. Then use the control pad to spin around hold the button. Then press the A button to let go of the wire and fly off in a. You will fly further if you spin stronger. FALLING Falling can be dangerous depending on how high you fall. There. are four levels of falling 1 If you fall for a very short distance. Fall from a. higher distance, and Mario will tumble around for a second. Fall. from an even higher distance, and Mario will land on his side, breaking. He will be stunned on the floor for about 2 seconds. If you. fall from a very high place, Mario will land on his head and die. OTHER CONTROLS. SELECT BUTTON When you press select during a level, the game will. This shows your time in some levels, and the items you collected in the. START BUTTON When you press start during a level, a pause menu. Pick continue to exit this menu and continue the. Pick save quit to quit the game. Pick record to view your. RESET You can easily reset to the title screen by pressing A, B. The game will not be saved if you. WALKTHROUGH. STAGE 0 CONSTRUCTION SITE. Skill difficulty 24. Mental difficulty 14. This level is a replica of the first level in the original Donkey. Kong arcade game. Donkey Kong is at the top throwing barrels around the. Some of them roll down, others drop down quickly. If a barrel. touches the fire at the bottom left corner, it turns into a fireball. Obviously, to beat this level you must climb up the ladders to. Pauline is. Jump over any barrels or fireballs you meet. The barrels can also roll down the ladders even broken ones, so be. Keep in mind that you dont die right away from a. You can also use the hammers to. The goal of this level is to get to the. Pauline. Simple enough. COOL TIP I discovered a much. First, go to the middle of the bottom. Then do a handstand jump to the next floor. Continue doing this. Skill difficulty 24. Mental difficulty 14. This level is a replica of the second level in the original. Donkey Kong arcade game. This one introduces conveyers. Conveyers move. you to the left or right and youll need to struggle to keep control. There are some fireballs in this level that will cause. There are also pies moving around on the. First, climb up a ladder to the second floor. Then, climb another ladder. Donkey Kong. If you want, you. Okay. onward to the next level Skill difficulty 24. Mental difficulty 14. This level is a replica of the third level in the original. Donkey Kong arcade game. First, jump right onto the elevator and. Try to jump to the level. Make. sure that you dont fall down from too high. Continue right to the. At the top level, Donkey Kong is. Go up the ladder and STAY at the. The springs cant reach you if you stay. Right after a spring goes over your head, quickly run left to the. Pauline. STAY right at the bottom of the ladder. Again, this is a safe spot where the springs cant get you. Go up the. ladder to the goal. End Skill difficulty 24. Mental difficulty 24. This level is a replica of the fourth and final level in the. Donkey Kong arcade game. This one is different from the other. This time, youll need to cross over all the little. When you cross over a box or jump. Gujarati Movies Download For Mobile. Cross over all of the boxes and the. Donkey Kong will fall on his head and youve beaten. But unlike the arcade game, the game doesnt end here. As you. see, Donkey Kong is still alive He gets up, takes Pauline, and escapes.
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