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Study plan Central Police Forces Exam Assistant Commandant Booklist Strategy, cutoffs Mrunal. Grab the weapons Booklist1 History Culture. Ancient. Medieval. Modern History. Culture. Science. Physics. Capture13.png' alt='Library Science Books In Hindi Pdf 1' title='Library Science Books In Hindi Pdf 1' />Chemistry. Biology. Geography. Physical Geography. Universe. Earth Basics. RocksGeology related. Atmosphere and Climate related. Ocean related. Disaster related. Indian Geography. World, Human and Economic Geography. Agriculture. 4 Environment and Biodiversity En. B5 Polity. 6 Economy. Yearbook. 7 International relationseventsdiplomacy. Defense. 9 Misc GKMathsAptitude for CAPF exam. CAPF Maths. CAPF Maths ignore these topics. Dhoom 2 Games Free Download. CAPF Data Interpretation. CAPF reasoning1 Chart based2 coding n series3 Analogy, odd mansyllogism. Assumption reasoning. Paper II Essay and ComprehensionHow to prepare the Essay Hindi Medium Aspirants of CPF Exam. Conclusion summary final tips. Appendix. 1 Download Links. NCERT and NIOS EssentialCoreHistory. Science. En. BEconomy. Geography. India yearbook. NCERT and NIOS PeripheralAppendix. CAPF notification, cutoffs, previous papers. CAPF 2. 01. 3 Notification. Cutoffs. Interview experience of Previous Toppers. In terms of General studies Questions, the CAPF and CDS exams run almost parallel. CDSCAPFSeparate paper on maths. How To Activate Your Pay As You Go Sim'>How To Activate Your Pay As You Go Sim. MathsAptitude included within same GS paper. English paper contains MCQ only, no essay writing descriptive stuff. BookFLIX. Find familiar picture books from Scholastic paired with informative nonfiction books for children. Includes readalong, videos, and additional resources to. Free Tamil books online for download. Large collection of popular Tamil PDF eBooks and ePub Tamil eBooks. Topics include Tamil literature, stories, Siddha and health. Essay Comprehension paper, worth 2 hours and 2. Grab the weapons BooklistAs such, there is no single comprehensive book for the CAPF exam. QnB1fyxkissgqPeS8cGyWeOKEEDRpLLUUUhxwpwK7TY2fTb8Q55QDPS2oLvqvi4UDY=h900' alt='Library Science Books In Hindi Pdf 1' title='Library Science Books In Hindi Pdf 1' />Library Science Books In Hindi Pdf 1Library Science Books In Hindi Pdf 1All I see is some Jholachhaap publishers copypasting chapters from other books meant for Bank PO add some GK material give last 3 years question papers market it as SSCCPFGPSC guidebook. Such readymade books contain all in one GSAptitude material. So a newcomer thinks he got the jackpot. But In such books, the history, science portion, they directly give you 2. MCQs without explaining any theory. Similarly in aptitude portion, they merely list 3 4 formulas, show you 3 4 solved sums with 2. MCQs. Many sincere but naive candidates believe that if they prepare such  books, theyre going to crack the SSCCPFIBPS State PSC exam. Sorry it doesnt work like that. Please donot underestimate the level of competition. First gather following NCERT and NIOS textbooks even here, youve to do very limited study of specific chapters, as explained in this article. Indian Polity by M. Laxmkanth religiously mugup this book for 1. General Studies Manual for filling up the gapstopics left in NCERTs for practice of mock questions you dont need to buy latest edition, because static topics history, geography, science remain one and same in all edition. So grab second handused copy for a cheaper price or borrow it from a friend. Any publication will work Unique, TMH, Spectrum etc. First well see how to approach static topics history, geography, science, En. B, economy and polity. IR and Misc. GK. Im copy pasting the content from my article on CDS strategy because GSGKGA syllabus points are running parallel. History Culture. Update Feb 2. Historyculture portion, use the Tamilnadu TN State education board books. Theyre better than NCERTs. Free download bottom. Business Research Methods Rapidshare Movies. Historycan be sub classified into following Ancient. Harappa, Asoka etc. Medieval. Delhi sultanate, Mughals etc. Modern. British raj and freedom struggle. Culture. Music, painting, dance, religion, architecture, books etc. World historyrarely anything asked from it. So ignore world history. In old times, UPSC used to ask trivial GK question from kings, war timelines etc. But nowadays, questions usually centered around culture or just truefalsefind correct statement cause effect reasons type questions. I suggest you look at last 2 3 years papers by yourself given in the appendix and see it yourself. Ancient. In Ancient period, the MCQs mostly come from 2 topics Harappa. Jainism Buddism includes Asoka etc. Although this can be classified under culture. Ive already uploaded the NCERTs according to topics and not according to standardsclasses, so just download from appendix and start reading. If you already have downloaded NCERTs from any other source, then prepare in following sequence subject lasschapter no. What, Where, How And When. History. 62On The Trail Of The Earliest People. History. 63From Gathering To Growing Food. History. 64In The Earliest Cities. History. 65What Books And Burials Tell Us. History. 66Kingdoms, Kings And An Early Republic. History. 67New Questions And Ideas. History. 68Ashoka, The Emperor Who Gave Up War. History. 69Vital Villages, Thriving Towns. History. 61. 0Traders, Kings And Pilgrims. History. 61. 1New Empires And Kingdoms. History. 61. 2Buildings, Paintings And Books. History. 121Bricks Beads and StonesHarappa. History. 122King farmer towns. History. 123Kinship Caste Class. History. 124Thinkers, Beliefs and Buildings. After that GS Manual and finally mock questions. Medieval. If youre willing to take the risk or running out of time, you can even skip this topic kings, wars, dynasties etc. Because rarely 1 2 question come from medieval portion nowadays. But do prepare culture related things from medieval period. Hist. 71Tracing Changes Through A Thousand Years. Hist. 72New Kings And Kingdoms. Hist. 73The Delhi Sultans. Hist. 74The Mughal Empire. Hist. 75Rulers And Buildings. Hist. 76Towns, Traders And Craftspersons. Hist. 77Tribes, Nomads And Settled Communities. Hist. 78Devotional Paths To The Divine. Hist. 79The Making Of Regional Cultures. Hist. 71. 0Eighteenth Century Political Formations. History. 121Foreign Travelers to India. History. 122Bhakti Sufi Traditions. History. 123Vijayanagara An Imperial Capital. History. 124Mughal Empire and Agrarian Society. History. 125Mughal Courts. After that Read the Medieval history section in your GS Manual and finally mock questions. But keep in mind GS manuals contain truckload of kings and timelines in the medieval period, dont waste time mugging them up. Modern History. Important NCERTs dont cover all MCQ worthy topics from within the Modern history freedom struggle. Therefore you must do following. Read GS manual multiple times for this section. OR use Spectrum publications brief history of Modern India. And then solve the Mock Questions given in the GS Manual. NCERT chapters History. How When and Where. History. 82From Trade to Territory. History. 83The Company Establishes Power. History. 84Ruling the Countryside. History. 85Tribals Dikus and the Vision of a Golden Age. History. 861. 85. After When people rebel. History. 121Colonialism Official Archives. History. 1221. 85. Revolt And Its Representations. History. 123Colonial Cities Urbanisation, Planning And Architecture. History. 124Mahatma Gandhi And The Nationalist Movement. History. 125Understanding Partition. History. 126Framing The Constitution. Culture. While reading above NCERTs, youll come across lot of culture related topics in painting, literature, dance, music, religion etc. I suggest you also go through the NIOS study material for Culture. Free download links bottom2 ScienceArtscommerce studentsyeh mujse nahi hoga science is not my cup of tea this is loser talk.