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W0JNk.png' alt='Node Js Php Serialize Example' title='Node Js Php Serialize Example' />Implementations The following are projects implementing JSON API. If youd like your project listed, send a pull request. Note This specification marked 1. In this article we will use the Newtonsoft JSON serialization library to serialize JSON data. In PHP 5, objects are passed by reference. This has got me into trouble in the past when Ive tried to make arrays of objects. For example, I once wrote something. We serve fast and scalable informational images as badges for GitHub, Travis CI, Jenkins, WordPress and many more services. Use them to track the state of your. Its like JSON. but fast and small. MessagePack is an efficient binary serialization format. It lets you exchange data among multiple languages like JSON. Pixel perfect   Retina ready   Fast   Consistent   Hackable   No tracking. Your Badge Static https img. SUBJECT lt STATUS lt COLOR. Who Wants To Be A Millionaire Game Show Template. Dashes. Underscores. Underscore or Space  . Dynamic badgedynamiclt TYPE. URI labellt LABEL querylt. DATA. SUBDATA color. Blt COLOR prefixlt PREFIX suffixlt SUFFIX Styles. The following styles are available flat is the default as of Feb 1st 2. Here are a few other parameters you can use connecting several with is possible. Override the default. URL Encoding needed for spaces or special characters Insert one of the. Insert custom logo image 1. Width4. 0Set the horizontal space to give to the logoSpecify what clicking on the leftright of a badge should do esp. Aabcdef. Set background of the left part hex color only Bfedcba. Set background of the right part hex color only Age3. Set the HTTP cache lifetime in secs. We support. svg,. Tell your favorite badge service to use it And tell us, we might be able to bring it to you anywayTo obtain your own badge, you will first need to enable badges for your. Then, click Show url to reveal the URL of the default badge. In that. URL, you will need to extract three pieces of information. TEAMNAME, PROJECTID and. BUILDDEFINITIONID. Your badge will then have the form. TEAMNAMEPROJECTIDBUILDDEFINITIONID. The badge is of the form https img. OPTIONSPROTOCOLURLREST. More options are described below. The whole URL is obtained by concatenating the PROTOCOL http or https, for example. URLREST separating them with. The existence of a specific path on the server can be checked by appending a path after the domain name, e. The URLREST should be URLEncoded Encode. DecodeOPTIONS can be. Online and offline text. Online and offline text, then online and offline colors. Dashes. Dash. Underscores. Underscore Slashes. Slash or Space  . Space. If your Git. Hub badge errors, it might be because you hit Git. Hubs rate. limits. You can increase Shields. Shields as a Git. Hub application on your Git. Hub account. To get the Sprint ID, go to your Backlog view in your project, right click on your sprint name and get the value of data sprint id.