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Vestigial Side Band 8VSB Alaw A AAL 1 circuit emulation mode AAL1 AC signaling. This is a list of computing and IT acronyms and abbreviations. Oracle offers a comprehensive and fully integrated stack of cloud applications and platform services. Lets start right off with a controversial claim Forth is the hackers programming language. Coding in Forth is a little bit like writing assembly. UpdateStar lets you know about updates to all of the software on your computer. Download our client and get notified right on your desktop whenever an update becomes. Pl I To Cobol Converter Video' title='Pl I To Cobol Converter Video' />Q Codes Radio Acronyms. Always under construction. By Hugh Stegman NV6. H. At end of file. PoliceCB 1. 0 codes. Other police codes. Computer networking standards. Radiospeak, techspeak, milspeak, NASAspeak, and compuspeak all. As Larry Van Horn. Utility World tries to slog. English. Sometimes we fail. Decode our lapses thusly. AcronymDefinition. FCTornado on the ground. Parallel transmission simulcast on. Cloud layer below observing station. LTfirst lieutenant. LTsecond lieutenant. SMA2. 20 MHz Spectrum Management Assn Amateur. Hz, audio frequency used for US telephone idle tones. HackPhreak magazine, named in honor of above. Use of tone spoofing equipment to control phone switches now a good way to get caught phreaking and go to jail. Linux Iso'>Linux Iso. G ALESecond generation automatic link establishment. BDA3. 2 Bit Disk Access Windoze. FThree figure code groups mixed or all numbers. FGThree figure code groups. G ALEThird generation automatic link establishment. G TMThird Generation Traffic Management Protocol. LThree letter code groups. LGThree letter code groups. FFour figure code groups mixed or all numbers. FGFour figure code groups. LFour letter code groups. LGFour letter code groups. Signal report readability 5, strength 5. Signal report you are loud and clear. FFive figure code groups mixed or all numbers. FGFive figure code groups. LFive letter code groups. LGFive letter code groups. Rosetta Stone Serial Key Generator'>Rosetta Stone Serial Key Generator. Old telegraphy slang Best regards. Strange Russian teleprinting system, popular in Cuba. Old telegraphy slang Love and kisses. EECEuropean electromagnetic compatibility directive. AAltimeter setting. A Index2. 4 hour magnetic activity index, lowerbetter. A PAirframe Powerplant, U. S. aircraft mechanic certificate. AGAir to ground. A0AM carrier with no modulation, now N0. N. A1Alpha 1 Aircraft maintenance status no writeups plane OK. A1. AMorse telegraphy for aural copy, i. CW. A2Alpha 2 Status write up non mission critical system. A2. AModulated CW telegraphy for aural copy, i. MCW. A3Alpha 3 Status write up critical system mission aborted. A3. EAM voice or broadcasting. AACW prosign repeat all after. AAAAnti aircraft artillery. AAASAmerican Association for the Advancement of Science. AABAutomatic Answer Back RTTY. AABCPAdvanced airborne command post. AAF1Auxiliary Airfield. AAF2Army Air Forces, obsolete. AAFESArmy and Air Force Exchange Service. AAICAccounting Authority Identification Code. AALATM Adaptation Layer. AAL 1Synchronous adaptation layer designed for carrying voice trunk lines. AAL 2Adaptation layer intended for variable bit rate video, but never really got off the ground and is not offered by vendors. AAL 34Adaptation layer intended to be used by Frame Relay and SMDS and other delay insensitive variable rate or bursty data traffic, but mostly now passed over in favour of AAL 5. AAL 5Simple and efficient adaptation layer for computer networking. AALC1Amphibious Assault Landing Craft. AALC2Amplified automatic level control. AAMSSArinc Aeronautical Mobile Satellite Service proposed would replace much of MWARA. AARSArmy Amateur Radio System, started 1. MARS. AAVAssault Amphibious Vehicle. ABCW prosign repeat all before. ABC1Atomic, Biological, Chemical warfare. ABC2American Broadcasting Company. ABCAAmerican, British, Canadian, Australian. ABCCAirborne battlefield command and control center. ABCCCAirborne Command Control Center. ABCSArmy Battle Command System. ABMAnti Ballistic Missile. ABNCPAirborne National Command Post. AC1Alternating Current. AC2Active Components US Army. AC IAcquisition, Construction Improvement. ACAAirspace control authority. ACAAustralian Communications Authority. ACAAAutomatic chemical agent alarm. ACAPApplication Configuration Access Protocol computing. ACAPSArea communications electronics capabilities. ACARSAircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System. ACC1Air Combat Command US. ACC2Area Communication Center. ACCaltocumulus castellanus. ACCHANAllied Command Channel. ACERTArmy Computer Emergency Response Team. ACFT MSHPaircraft mishap. ACINTAcoustic intelligence. ACJAdvisory Circular, Joint. ACKPositive Acknowledgment ASCII 0. ACLSAutomatic Carrier Landing System. ACMAssociation for Computing Machinery. ACMIAir Combat Maneuvering Instrumentation. ACOMU. S. Atlantic Command. ACPAllied Communication Publication. ACRArmored cavalry regiment. ACSAssistant chief of staff. ACSBAmplitude Compandored Side. Band. ACSLaltocumulus standing lenticular cloud. ACTDAdvanced Concept Technology Demonstration. ACTSAutomated Computer Time Service. ACWAir Control Wing like 5. AWACS at Tinker. ADA1Americans with Disabilities Act. ADA2Official Do. D computer language, not an acronym, named for Ada Babbage, the worlds first programmer. ADASAWOS Data Acquisition System Nice nested acronym. ADCAnalog to Digital Convertor. ADCCAir Defense Control Center. ADESAirdrop equipment and systems. ADF1Automatic direction finding. ADF2Australian Defence Forces. ADIZAir Defense Identification Zone. ADMDAdministration Management Domain. ADOActive. X Data Objects. ADOActive Data Objects. ADOCAir defense operation center. ADONISArticle Delivery Over Network Information Systems. ADPAutomated data processing. ADPCMAdaptive differential pulse code modulation. ADPEAutomated Data Processing Equipment. ADPSISAutomated Data Processing Software Inventory System. ADPSOAutomated Data Processing Security Officer. ADPSSOAutomated Data Processing System Security Officer. ADRCW brevity address. ADSAutomatic Dependent Surveillance. ADS BAutomated Dependent Surveillance Broadcast. ADSLAssymetric Digital Subscriber Line. AeAuroral Electrojet magnetic activity index. AF1 Air Force. AF2 Audio Frequency 3. Hz 3. 0 k. Hz. AFAMPEAir Force Automated Message Processing Exchange. AFATDSAdvanced Field Artillery Tactical Data System. AFBAir Force Base. AFCAutomatic frequency control. Museo Sans 300 Font there. AFCAAir Force Communications Agency US. AFEPSACARS Front End Processor System ground computer network. AFETRAir Force Eastern Test Range. AFFSAAir Force Flight Standards Agency. AFGWCAir Force Global Weather Central at Offutt AFB, NE. AFI1AfricaIndian Ocean MWARA. AFI2Air Force Instruction official directive. AFI3American Film Institute. AFNAmerican Forces Network US broadcast for military. AFNETAir Force Integrated Telecommunications Network. AFRArmed Forces Radio. AFRESAir Force Reserve US. AFRNArmed Forces Radio Network. AFRTSArmed Forces Radio Television Services. AFS1Air Force Station. AFS2Aeronautical Fixed Service. AFSATCOMAir Force Satellite Communications. AFSKAudio frequency shift keying. AFSOCAir Force Special Operations Command. AFTCOAir Force Telecommunications Certification Office. AFTNAeronautical Fixed Telecommunication Network. AGAdjutant general. AGCAutomatic gain control. AGEAerospace Ground Equipment pronounced like how old you are when you replace it you order New Age. AGLAbove ground level. AGUAmerican Geophysical Union. AHAMSLAntenna height above mean sea level. AHFAdaptive High Frequency. AHMSLAntenna height above mean sea level. AHPArmy Heliport. AIArtificial intelligence. AICAir Intercept Control. AICPITSAll India Coordinated Program of Ionosphere Thermosphere Studies. AIDAAtmospheric Investigations of Dynamics over Arecibo. AIDCAutomatic Identification and Data Capture.