SAML and OAuth 2 authentication. Psp Pandora Zip File S. Open a browser window to your SAP Cloud Platform mobile service for development and operations Admin cockpit, and navigate to Mobile Applications NativeHybrid. In the list of applications, select Demo. From the Assigned Features panel, select Security. The security page now opens In the Configuration tab, set Security Configuration to OAuth A new panel OAuth Clients has been added, with an empty configuration. This will be remedied shortly. Click Save to store the configuration. Youll receive the following message This is a reminder to delete any existing user registrations. Because the previous app was generated with SAML authentication, this would not work anymore with the newly generated app using OAuth authentication. Images/content-folder.png' alt='Uiwebview Local Html Javascript File' title='Uiwebview Local Html Javascript File' />Click OK. The application is now configured to use OAuth 2 based authentication, and the OAuth Clients panel is now configured as well Done. Please log in to access this content. Im having trouble displaying a Base64 image inline. Can someone point me in the right direction ltDOCTYPE html lthtml lthead lttitle. Home Adam smith capital asset depreciation durable economics s nonrenewable resource physical capital production service stock.
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